Göz Tembelliği Tedavisi
Bir gözün diğerine kıyasla daha az çalışması sonucu ortaya çıkan bir durumdur. Bu hastalık, özellikle çocukluk döneminde teşhis edilip tedavi edilmezse, kalıcı ...
Çocuklarda Renk Körlüğü
Renkleri ayırt etme yetisinin azalması veya tamamen kaybolması durumudur. Çocuklarda renk körlüğü durumunda kırmızı ve yeşil renkleri ayırt etme zorluğu yaşanır ...
Göz Kayması Ameliyatı
Strabismus cerrahisi olarak bilinir ve göz kaslarının pozisyonunu düzeltmeyi amaçlayan bir prosedürdür. Bu ameliyat, gözlerin hizalanmasını sağlamak ve kaymayı ...
Lazy Eye in Children
Bir gözün diğerine göre zayıf geliştiği ve görme fonksiyonunun yeterince gelişmediği bir durumdur. Çocuklarda göz tembelliği genellikle doğuştan gelir. Çocukluk ...
Eyelid Aesthetics
It is a surgical operation performed to eliminate sagging, bagging and wrinkles on the eyelids. Eyelid aesthetics improves appearance by improving...
Dry Eyes in the Elderly
It is a condition that occurs when the moisture of the eye surface decreases with age. Dry eyes in the elderly can cause the eyes to feel watery, burning, itchy or sandy...
What is Hypermetropia?
It is a refractive error popularly known as "nearsightedness". This condition is characterized by seeing close objects as blurry and distant objects as clear. Hip...
What is Myopia?
It is a refractive error popularly known as "nearsightedness". It is characterized by the fact that distant objects are seen blurry and close objects are seen clearly. Myopia...
What is Strabismus in Children?
It is a condition in which one or both eyes look in different directions as a result of the eyes losing their normal alignment. Strabismus in children is usually a congenital condition.
Laser Eye Surgery Price
It is a common surgical method used to correct visual defects such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. The price of laser eye surgery depends on many factors...
What is Pediatric Ophthalmology?
It is a branch of medicine that deals with protecting, diagnosing and treating children's eye health. What is pediatric ophthalmology? Eye examination from birth to adolescence...
Cataract Surgery Price
It is a common surgical intervention to improve eye health and restore vision quality. Cataracts, which occur as a result of the clouding of the lens with age...